Monday, April 1, 2024

Week 505

Sun, Mar 31, 2024 thru Sat, Apr 6, 2024

Sun, Mar 31, 2024

Video Production of Weekly Train Layout Update
Planning 25 minutes
Updating Timeline 6 minutes
Editing Video using Power Director 44 minutes
Exporting File 2 minutes
Uploading to YouTube 17 minutes
Total Minutes 94

Getting ready for tomorrow's Train Day!

Clearing out all the "junk" in the way of Marcus's project.

There, that's way better!

Mon, Apr 1, 2024

Train Day!
w/Rob Fair 6-8pm 2 hrs.
Marcus Thorsen 6:15-7:15pm 1 hr.
Jordan Osborn 6-7:15pm 1.25 hrs.

We are going to try to run priority train #3 Mixed
Freight Train 5D

We worked over an hour to get the two locomotives
consisted together. Very strange. We finally switched
locomotives and did get those running together.

Marcus showing us his rock formation masterpiece.

Cutting the brick wall to make it look like it meets
the wall not going behind the wall. What came first?
The rock wall. The brick wall was built later.

Marcus working in the final details.

Cutting the brick wall to make it look like the rocks
were there first.

Rob is getting the new locomotives ready for
Priority Train #3 Mixed Freight Train 5D

To see action video of this event, please see 
Video of the Weekly Layout Update
at the bottom of this blog.

Tue, Apr 2, 2024

I stopped by Hobby Lobby on my way home today... purchase the art board for the base of the across
the road neighborhood.

Wed, Apr 3, 2024

This morning I got up early and did some work on the RR...

Making a pattern for the "across-the-street" neighborhood.

Checking how well the pattern fits.

Since the pattern fit well, it's time to cut out the base.

I traced the lines so I could use them to cut out the shapes.

Here are the shapes I will use for the base.

Nice fit.

I worked on the RR about 30 minutes this morning...

Later that night...

I decided to cut the patterns into smaller sections
so it would be easier to glue them down.

It's hard to see in this photo, but I've scored in all
the sidewalk sections along the curbing.

Taping the gutter side. Getting ready for painting.

I'm going to hold off on painting since I had some
gaps to fill with caulk. I'll wait until tomorrow for
the caulk to completely dry before painting.

After drawing the plans for the two houses, I began
to paint the different areas. Brown is for the lawn areas.

Black is for the planting beds around the homes.

And gray is for either pavers or patios.

And here's the look with the homes back in place.

That part tonight took about 1.5 hrs. 

Thu, Apr 4, 2024

I got up early this morning to work on the RR for about 30 minutes.

Painting the gutters/curbs

Removing the tape.

Adding stone work details to patios & sidewalks

Check it out. What do you think?

Time to finish. Last look with houses in place.

I also had another hour tonight to add some finishing touches...

Tonight I'm going to plant some grass and trees.

Starting at the middle and working out.
Using full strength glue, I spread it out where I want to plant grass.

Then I use a paint brush to cover the area where the grass will grow.

Then I sprinkle "Blended Turf" to simulate grass.

It's a good look I think.

Then I finished the outer areas.

Time to plant some trees and call it a night.

Fri, Apr 5, 2024

Finished running Mixed Freight 5D tonight.

See Weekly Layout Update at the bottom of this blog for Video action.

Tomorrow I will finish the paperwork entry.

Here are some other things I did...

This piece was loose, so it got some special glue attention.

I think I need to add a couple more trees to fill some gaps.

After the glue dried here's the new tip all secure.

There, I like that much better.
Can you spot the difference from the previous picture today?

Sat, Apr 6, 2024

Yep, I finished the paperwork.

I also took some inventory
at the WorkBench Bins.

Finally, Jan & I stopped by B&G Train World after

we stopped by Larkin High School to see Ben at

his track meet.

The cost breakdown is as follows:

Item: $17.10

Tax: $1.45

Total: $18.55

Click Here

to View Weekly Layout Update

Duration: 12:12 minutes

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