Monday, March 25, 2024

Week 504

Sun, Mar 24, 2024 thru Sat, Mar 30, 2024

Sun, Mar 24, 2024

Getting ready for our guests this afternoon.

Father/Son at the Control Tower

Two other sons keeping track of their trains.

They did a great job watching and running their trains.

Sometimes they had to work closely so their cables
wouldn't get tangled up.

See Weekly Update at the end of this week's blog for more action on today's activities...

All four guests in the picture.

Oops! Peter, where are you?

There you are!
I know you're there even though my eyes are shut!

Thanks for coming!
I really enjoyed your visit and am already anxious for your next visit.

Mon, Mar 25, 2024

Got up early to get some work done on the RR...

I glued in the road addition.

I'll weather that section and then work on gutters,
curbs, and sidewalks.

Also, getting ready to lay the foundation for the
Berkeley neighborhood homes.

All that took about 30 minutes.

Now it's time for
Train Day!
w/Rob Fair 6-8pm 2 hrs.
Jordan Osborn 6-7:15pm 1.25 hrs.
Marcus Thorsen 6-6:30pm .5 hrs.

Whoa! We did a lot tonight!

Marcus came and went really quick.
He is working on a cascading rock project.

Rob is running the Unit Coal Train through Marcus's
work area.

Marcus holds back on progress until the unit coal train passes.

See Weekly Update at the bottom of this Week's blog for more action footage of tonight's activities.

Jordan tried really hard to make the connections work
so we could get the camera shots viewed on the monitors.

More progress with the cascading rock project.

Cutting the piece down to fit better.

Meanwhile back at Powder River Basin...
Rob sorts the train from the main to the PRBEast Yard.

Once all the cars are in place, Rob fills the cars with coal.

All set. Ready for next "turn".

We also decided to fix a gap in the rails with a jumper.
We soldered a wire from one rail to the other bypassing
the gap in the rail. It worked great!

Here's the close up of the jumper cable.

Tue, Mar 26, 2024

Working on neighborhood near Berkeley station.

Base level.

Top level.

Later in the day...

In preparation for gluing the puzzle, I had to flip it over.

Applying the glue.

Spreading out the glue.

Flip the puzzle and wait for the glue to set overnight.

Wed, Mar 27, 2024

I mounted the finished puzzle.
Not sure if this will be the final resting place because there's such a glare.

I had to turn the lights off so you could see the picture.

I wonder if there's a way to
cut down the glare?

Later that night...

Berkeley city planning blue print.

Neighborhood layout.

Scoring the curbs, sidewalks & driveways.

Next step: Installing the gutter, then painting.
I'm getting excited anticipating how this will turn out.

Thu, Mar 28, 2024

Another view of the poster without a lot of light on the subject.

One last look.

Now on to the Berkeley neighborhood project.
Cutting out the apron for the gutters/curbs.

Another section.

Special guests!

My daughter, Natalie, and her son, Josiah.

Natalie enjoying the light show. She said,
"It just makes me feel good to see what you've done."

Fri, Mar 29, 2024

Working on the Berkeley neighborhood.
Securing the base.

Gluing down the surface.

Taping off the curbs/gutters preparing to paint.


Removing the paint borders.

That part of the project took about 3/4 hr.

Sat, Mar 30, 2024

More work on the Berkeley neighborhood...

Painting the sidewalks a concrete color and the
drive ways an asphalt color.

Adding ground foam to use as grass. Oops!
I should've painted the base brown, which I noticed 
and started doing in the middle.

There, isn't that better? The yard on the right looks
like it needs some lawn care.

After the glue/paint dries I will remove the excess ground foam, 
put the structures in place and take another picture. 

More to come today!

Almost finished.
Just need to put up the fence in the back yards.

This shows the prototype picture of what I'm trying
to capture.

Back fence is installed and in place.

Finishing touches will be the light posts.

For Weekly Video Layout Update...

Duration: 03:44 sec.

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