Monday, April 3, 2023

Week 453

 Sun, Apr 2, 2023 thru Sat, Apr 8, 2023

Sun, Apr 2, 2023

Producing and Uploading Mar 2023 Monthly Layout Update

Mon, Apr 3, 2023

Train Day!
w/Rob Fair & Jordan Osborn
6-8:30pm 2.5 hrs.

Rob giving some pointers as to our next steps.

Permanently installing the substation at Oak Park
Marion Street.

Checking placement.

Peace Out, Jordan!

On to Oak Park Marion Street Station engineering.

Starting to kit-bash the kit I purchased.

No peaked roofs so the peak has got to go.

What do you think of that?

Our work area got pretty crowded pretty quick.

We made a lot of headway as to what direction we're going on this project.

More to come...

Tue, Apr 4, 2023

A couple of shots of the new substation at Oak Park

Next step will be to connect the wires to the
high voltage transformer towers.

Another look at the substation from ground level.

Wed, Apr 5, 2023

Since I ordered some new lights for the Engine Facility, I started planning out where they should go...

My first job was to do the vertical lines.
Now I'm working on the horizontal lines.

I want the lights to line up both ways -
horizontal & vertical

I put a red circle around the possible points where
a light could be installed. More to come...

Thu, Apr 6, 2023

Maundy Thursday
No train activity today.

Fri, Apr 7, 2023

Good Friday
Up early and working on Oak Park Marion Street Station

Rob and I have been working on the dimensions
for Oak Park Marion St. Station. Here are my drawings.

I'm going to try to stop by B&G Train World in Elgin
tomorrow to pick up some supplies for this project.

And  to my amazement, look what was delivered
on my doorstep this afternoon?

I bought these with a $25 gift card from Ryder (one of my basketball players) 
and I also paid $9.05 more. For a total of $34.05.

Sat, Apr 8, 2023

Easter Saturday
The day of silence before the resurrection...

After the Prairie Burn at church today, 
Jordan and I headed over to B&G 
to purchase a few items for 
Oak Park Marion St. station...

I had to paint the guard rail fences first...
Cost: $11.98

I bought this grade crossing for the
Wheaton/Bellwood stations.
Cost: $11.98

More structures for Oak Park Marion St. station.
Cost: $22.50 & $31.50 = $54.00

And finally, I bought another "bright boy".
Cost: $5.95

Total Cost for today's purchase at B&G
Eraser $5.95
Grade Crossing $11.98
Metal Fence $11.98
Blank Walls 30104 $8.99
Station Platform canopy $22.50
Urban Steel Overpass $31.50
Taxes $7.90
Total $100.80

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