Sunday, January 29, 2017

Week 131

Week 131
Sunday, January 29, 2017 thru Saturday, February 4, 2017

It's so hard to believe we're in Week 131 of the Project RR. 
We've been at this for 2.5 years.
If you think about it, we've really made a lot of progress since we only work once a week for 1.5 hours.
I'm very proud of what we've accomplished.

Sunday, January 29, 2017
I wanted to make sure I finished up what we discussed at our last train session.

Here's the finished product...

I installed all the lights on the "skinny" building at Western Avenue.
This is the back loading dock view.

This is the front of the building facing Western Avenue.
I think it was a brillant idea to put on the front wall mount door lights.
It really looks great, don't you think?
Monday, January 30, 2017

It was just Rob Fair and me tonight.

Here's what we did...

Rob Fair had to pull some wires that got crimped and then resolder and repackaged into the base of the GE AC6000.

I continued work on the chain link fence.

Rob Fair attaching the base unit with new speakers installed into place. 

Here's Rob with his little GE AC6000 on the line.
Next week we have two more things to do.
Repair some fallen MU cables and reinstall the couplers on both ends.
NOTE: while we were testing we also cleaned the wheels with GOO GONE.

Here's the west end of GLOBAL 1 with chain line fence complete.

I've started to turn the corner.
Question: Do you notice anything?
Answer: see below...

Here's another view of the finished chain line fence on the western end of Global 1.
Answer: No horitzonal support on the bottom of the chain link fence.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017
I stopped by HobbyTown and checked to see if they had the Walthers Building.

They did!

I bought it and a street kit from Woodland Scenics

Wednesday, February 1, 2017
Emily's B-day today!
Also Train DAY!

Ed Nelson and Josh Jones couldn't make it tonight, but everyone else was here.

Here's some pics to capture tonight's activities...

Dean Hatzis continues installing the trim around the South Power District.

Carlos Baez removes the tape at the corners of the "skinny" building on Western Avenue.

Jordan Osborn is just getting over a cold so not as photogenic as his usual self.

Dean Hatzis putting some power behind the drill.

Another look at the Kedzie Avenue Metra Station

Jordan Osborn and Carlos Baez checking out the parts in the new building kit.

Dean Hatzis continues work on the trim.

Dean Hatzis and Carlos Baez discuss plans for the new building.

The same two finish off trim work for the night.

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