Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Week 128

Week 128

Sunday, January 8, 2017 thru Saturday, January 14, 2017

Sunday, January 8, 2017
TRAIN SHOW at the DuPage County Fairgrounds in Wheaton IL

Jordan and I tracked off to Wheaton to visit the Train Show.
We had our lists ready and ready to go.

Although we didn't purchase anything on our list, we did find a treasure.

I found this Atheran SD40-2 for $65.
I just couldn't pass it up so I bought it.

Another item on the list was a sheet of brick.

I didn't find any, but I tried to etch the brick on the wall of the building we're putting together on Western Avenue. Check this out...

You'll need to look pretty close,  but most of the "concrete" areas have been etched and are now "brick".
Tomorrow I'll paint it all red brick.
Monday, January 9, 2017
I started with this face.

I ended with this face.
What do you think?

Jordan and I also started to install the chain link fence posts.
See the three started on the far left.

Jordan and I were looking for a box elder bug that had made his way on the layout.
"How does he get from here to there so quickly?"
Wednesday, Janurary 11, 2017

Here's what we did this afternoon, 4-5:30pm.

Welcome back, CARLOS!!!
Carlos Baez drilling the holes for the chain link fence posts.

Dean Hatzis working on the cupolas on the Western Avenue "skinny" building.
Welcome back, ED!
Ed Nelson worked a lot on cars that needed inspection and repairs.

Jordan Osborn reconciling paperwork.

Ed Nelson at the workbench working on repairs.

Dean Hatzis & Carlos Baez continue work on the chain link fence posts.

Ed Nelson putting cars back online.

Jordan Osborn writing reports and running test trains for Ed Nelson.

We're going to need to purchase another chain link fence kit.
We ran out.

Here's a test rain waiting on the main line.
Pretty soon you'll be able to view this section in completion.
It won't be too long. That's wishful thinking.

5:30pm time to exit. Stage right...
Thursday, January 12, 2017
Working on the chain link fence.
Here I'm gluing down the bottom horizontal piece.

Now I'm getting the top horizontal piece ready for gluing.

The gates are getting ready in the background.

Saturday, January 14, 2017
Jan and I had a lazy afternoon and evening so I was able to work quite a bit on the RR.

Check this out...

I worked a bit more on the chain link fence.
This is going to be a long drawn-out project.

There are several steps involved in this project.
I will try to capture the process in pictures. Still to come...

Jordan and Josh stopped by and put this piece of tape on the road.
We decided we would try an experiment to see if we liked the painted stripes or the tape better.

I took some time to get ready to install the steel columns at Kedzie Avenue station.
STEP 1: Prepare the base at the bottom of the roof support.
The building is flipped over with the bottom of the roof exposed.

Here is where the building will go back with steel columns in place.

Also, I noticed the abutment needs to be out a bit more for the stone walls.
Here I added some foam board to bring the section out.

1 comment:

  1. The Box Elder bug that won't go away, spying on your railroad empire ! ! :-)
