Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Week 516

Sun, Jun 16, 2024 thru Sat, Jun 22, 2024

Sun, Jun 16, 2024

No Train Activity today.
Father's Day

Mon, Jun 17, 2024

Train Day!
w/Rob Fair 6-8pm 2 hrs.
Marcus Thorsen 6:15-6:45pm 30 minutes

Fun night running trains and finishing up the decals on Commuter Train 1A

Rob Fair is going to replace all the numbers on this
Commuter Train Consist 1A tonight.

He's removed one of the numbers and getting ready
to remove the top two cars' numbers using Micro-Sol solution.

Marcus paid a visit and is showing us his most recent
creation. He also took some notes for our next project.

Light Power movement to Global 1 for a WB
Intermodal Train for tonight.

Here is the Intermodal Train 2B at Global 1.
We will be putting this train together and heading West.

Ready to depart Global 1 with EOTD blinking
on the last car. 

For more on this trip see the Weekly Layout Update under
Wednesday's entry for all the excitement that follows.

Tue, Jun 18, 2024

Updated Commuter Car Fleet with changes made yesterday.

Updated Test Car in Consist

Updated Cars in Consist
paperwork from yesterday's run.

Wed, Jun 19, 2024

Weekly Layout Update
Video Production
to View 8 mins. 40 sec. YouTube Video

Thu, Jun 20, 2024

No Train Activity today.

Fri, Jun 21, 2024

Clean Up and reorganization day.

Check this out...

I ordered new wheel sets for the intermodal train.
Why? I'm hoping this will give me more clearance 
at Winfield station to clear the platforms.

I emptied all the well cars
so it will be easier to change
out the plastic with metal
wheel sets.

Laying out paperwork and getting reorganized
at the dining room table.

Finishing up the commuter train decals and numbering
of the commuter fleet.

These packets need to be put together and hung
back up under the Train Order Board.

That looks a lot better.

I probably should've done a "BEFORE" and "AFTER"
but I just was on a roll and had to keep going.

At the workbench...two more maintenance sheets
showing work to be done (see next photo).

I also filed all the other Maintenance reports for the other commuter cars in my fleet.

These two cars need to have the decals replaced.
The numbers are correct, the decals slipped down
during the drying process.

One last look at the layout before calling it a day.

These two are the East Bound trains start at Geneva Station and head inbound to Chicago Terminal. They are stored overnight at the West Chicago Yard.

Sat, Jun 22, 2024

Getting ready for Monday's Train Day Session!

This notebook was birthed from my week of
cleaning up and reorganization. I will keep it at
Central Control Tower. 

I also added the trim piece on top of the wall.
The right side is not quite finished.

I still need to paint the pink.

There you go.
All painted AND weathered.

I need to add a few more details. See next picture.

The ledge on the top of the window and the safety
strip down the side of the opening.

On the other side is the ledge and the other safety strip.

The next project is to move this base for the road
which will go between the abutment and the wall.

There - I have moved it a bit more to the right.
Enough to put a road between the bridge support
and the wall.

You can see where the previous abutment was and 
where it is now to make room for the road.

See next week for the Weekly Update Video.

I think I will start doing the Weekly Update on Wednesdays instead of on the weekends.

Let me know what you think of that idea.

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