Sunday, May 12, 2024

Week 511

Sun, May 12, 2024 thru Sat, May 18, 2024

Sun, May 12, 2024

More work on the Commuter Car Fleet...

I found another sprue from Kato with grab irons
to use on one of the 6 window cream-colored coaches.

I also found these extra sprues which I think are for
one of the locomotives I have. This should be interesting
to fine out which sprue goes with which locomotive.

This is the 6 window coach that needs some grab
irons attached.

Just adding 8 grab irons. Pretty quick job tonight.

Updating the spreadsheet.

That took a little over half an hour.

Mon, May 13, 2024

Train Day!
w/Rob Fair 6-8pm 2 hrs.
Jordan Osborn and special guest, Patrick 6-7pm 1 hr.
Marcus Thorsen 6-7pm 1 hr.

What we did...

Marcus got a lot done tonight. Finished the grassy
area by Lombard/Oak Park station.

Rob Fair brought a new Pennsylvania F7 AB unit.

Marcus also added a border to the top of the wall.

Securing it in place.

Jordan and his friend, Patrick arrive.

Rob's new locomotives. Ran beautifully.
See video in Weekly Layout Update at the bottom of this blog.

Adding shrubs.

Rob moves some commuter trains around.

We will be adding the two commuter trains that
we'll store at the West Chicago yard.

Here they are. The West Line commuter trains
that will begin their journey at Geneva heading EB.

Time to go! Man that went by really fast.

Tue, May 14, 2024

No train activity today.

Wed, May 15, 2024

Lots of paperwork today...

The OLD sheet. Train 1A.
Departing CT arriving Geneva.
West Line

The NEW sheet. Train 1A.
Departing Geneva arriving CT
West Line storage at WeGo Yard.

My laptop where all the paperwork gets done!

The OLD sheet. Train 1C.
Departs CT arrives Geneva.
West Line storage CT.

The NEW sheet. Train 1C.
I've added the West Line
Time Schedule.

Thu, May 16, 2024

Worked on more Commuter Cars in Consist paperwork...

Here you go...

More room, more light, more done upstairs in the kitchen

Train Cars in Consist paperwork for Trains 1A & 1B

Train Cars in Consist paperwork for Trains 1C & 1D

Train Cars in Consist paperwork for Trains 1E &
Commuter Schedule

This spreadsheet allowed me to organize all the
commuter cars into one place and keep track of
each part that needs to be completed/ordered.

I ran some commuter cars tonight too.
See Weekly Update video at the bottom to view the action.

Fri, May 17, 2024

I ordered these kits from Kato to finish adding the
remaining details to the commuter cars.

That will finish off adding the grab irons for all 14 cars.

Sat, May 18, 2024

Weekly Basement Train Layout Update
to view 5:19 length YouTube video

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