Saturday, October 28, 2023

Week 483

 Sun, Oct 29, 2023 thru Sat, Nov 4, 2023

Sun, Oct 29, 2023

Worked on the RR for about 1.5 hours today...

I started out checking which posts needed extra-
length wire to go through the 1x4 support underneath.

I need a couple extra lengths here too.

Altogether I will need to add wires to these four
poles to go through the 1x4 under the layout.

The first one is complete. Let's go install it on the RR...

Here's what the extended wire looks like under the
table. See how it comes through the bottom of the
1x4 support?

Mission accomplished!

All the extended wires are visible in this picture.

Back at the top of the layout we see the lamp posts
ready to be wired up with electricity.

Also note the lampposts on the entry roadway.
I think I'll fill that gap tonight too.

Yep, here we go.

Now to cut out the "asphalt".

Asphalt glued in with glue gun.
I love that glue gun. No fuss. No mess. So quick!

Now to weather the roadway.

Looks pretty good, I think, do you?

Final look.

Mon, Oct 30, 2023

Train Night!
w/Rob Fair 6-8pm 2 hrs.

Rob & I are going to work on the details around
the Bellwood Station.

Masking off the parking lot lines.

Just about finished. Next step. Painting.

How long should we make these parking stripes?

Rob begins painting the yellow parking lot stripes.

As Rob paints the yellow, I paint the white guide
lines on the side of the entry road.

Almost ready to pull off the blue tape.

As the green tape is removed, the white line remains.

Now the blue tape is removed with the yellow lines remaining.
Now to touch up the overrun paint.

Looks great!

Now to add the handicap ramp.

It's another nice scene added to the layout.

Rob prepares the glue gun to adhere the platform.

Our work at Bellwood is complete.
Now it's off to finish the job at the Powder River Basin.

This job started two weeks ago. It continues this week.
Hopefully next week we'll finish this task.

Parting thought: How about a layout overview?

to view YouTube video
Layout Overview - no commentary
Duration: 01:39 min.

Tue, Oct 31, 2023

It's the end of the month. 
Time for my monthly video layout update.

to view YouTube video
Duration: 04:54 mins.

Wed, Nov 1, 2023

Extending the wires on all lamp posts at Bellwood Station.
Getting ready to wire them up for lighting.

Soldering leads to the wire from the lamp posts.

All 10 lamp posts are now ready for connecting
to power source for lighting.

Here's some photos from under the table.

Yesterday was the last day
of October.

Today is the first day of

Thu, Nov 2, 2023

Finished wiring up the lamp posts and station at Bellwood...

Far right lamps #7, 8, 9, & 10

Middle lamps #3, 4, 5 & 6

Front two lamps #1 & 2 and transformer (power source)

Too bright! The transformer voltage of A.C. is 16 volts is too high.
I will try another power source of 8v and see if that works better.

When I tested these lamps, I smelled something burning.
The tops of the lamps were way too hot and were starting to melt.
Needless to say, I shut off the power right away.

Hopefully I'll finish this project tomorrow.

Fri, Nov 3, 2023

I moved the light source from 16v AC to 8v DC and this is what I got...

Much better.

Another view.

Final view.
I need to reconnect the station light to a 12v source.

That will complete the lighting project at Bellwood station.

Sat, Nov 4, 2023

Finished Bellwood station lighting!

Check this out...

Bellwood station with light now working.
The pictures shown previously did not have the station
lights hooked up properly.

I moved the power source from 8v to a neighborhood
output of 14v variable track. Now the station is lit too.

A view down the line.

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