Monday, September 12, 2022

Week 424

 Sun, Sep 11, 2022 thru Sat, Sep 24, 2022

Sun, Sep 11, 2022

I spent about 30 minutes cutting the ends off these
cables I will use to connect the lights to the switches.

All the middle posts are connected now.

Now I've attached those middle posts to the copper
strip in the middle of this picture.

Now you can see the cables attached to both ends.

A look at my work area.
Soldering station and open book with 
wiring schematic drawing.

Wow! That's a lot of wires.
Both side wired up to switches. Now I need to mount
the board and then wire up the lights to the switches.

Mon, Sep 12, 2022

Train Day!
w/Rob Fair (6-8pm 2 hrs)
& cameo appearance by Jordan Osborn

Rob Fair & Jordan Osborn.
Time to begin our session...

Making sure the wiring I've completed actually
turns on the lights. After some careful testing we
finally got everything checked out.

We also installed the end Track ID platforms
Duration: 00:00.35 sec.

One final look of what we accomplished tonight.

I still need to secure the platforms.
That will be for another day.

Tue, Sep 13, 2022

I spent about 30 minutes putting the first three lights common wires together tonight...

A look from underneath the table.
Here are the first three lights common (blue) wires
connected together at the end of the line - Chicago Terminal.

Wed, Sep 14, 2022

Just a little more done on the RR tonight...

From left to right 8 connected to 7, then 6-5-4
connected and finally, 3-2-1 connected.

Same picture with wires labeled by track location.

Tomorrow I will connect those three sets together into one string.

Wait for it...

Thu, Sep 15, 2022

I connected all the common light wires together tonight...

First I got my tools of the trade ready for soldering.

Then I taped the ends and soldered the connections.

I used shrink wrap on two of the three connections.
It was too late on the middle one.
I will purchase some liquid tape and use that to insulate the open wires.

Fri, Sep 16, 2022

Jan's brother, Mick, and his wife, Connie Meyer!

Sat, Sep 17, 2022

Working on the dwarf signals...

Let's put a little light on the subject.

And now, for the dwarf signals.
I will put the signage back up later...

1 comment:

  1. Great work Curt! Thanks for including us on your blog. Mick and Connie
