Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Week 387

 Sun, Dec 26, 2021 thru Sat, Jan 1, 2022

Sun, Dec 26, 2021

No train activity today

Mon, Dec 27, 2021

Train Day!
w/Rob Fair & Jordan Osborn
6-8pm 2 hrs.

I was very happy with the work we got done tonight...

The cookies have caught Rob's attention!

Jordan is going to join the party.

The train layout was in distress.
An ongoing short was happening but we didn't know where until I found this!
See the guard rail across the two sets of tracks?
That's what was causing the short.

Jordan enjoying the new UT6 throttle he and his mom, Chrissa, bought me for a Christmas present. What a kind thing for them to do for me.

We discovered it does have a speedometer.
It is very small to read, but it is still there all the same.

Rob Fair shows some of his modeling skills.
See how the connections are so smooth?

This shows the same rail transition on the other side of the switch.

Now it's time to install the ground throw.

Just about finished. 

Tomorrow I will clean up and wire up the new isolated track Rob just installed tonight.

Tue, Dec 28, 2021

Special Guests tonight...

Josiah & Lissette Crockett came to play "choo choo" with me.

Josiah & Lissette are rearranging the brio layout.

Josiah and I ran Mixed Freight Train 5D, but only got into Lap 1 when a call for "Dinner" came and we had to close up shop.

Hopefully more train time tomorrow...

Wed, Dec 29, 2021

I took off the day from work today to play with my grandkids.
Josiah came down for a little while and Lissette helped me with the transmission towers.

Putting the tower sides together.

Finishing the last side.

Lissette is helping me with the final touches.

Here's the first tower in place.
I have three more to build.
Not sure how many I'll fit on the layout.

Thu, Dec 30, 2021

Had some time to continue work on the transmission towers...

Keeping the parts together with alligator clips.

Will finish up with the final side tomorrow...

Fri, Dec 31, 2021

Building the transmission towers has taken a front seat these last couple of days...

Gluing the power grabbers in place.

Starting on #3 of #4.

Half way there.

#3 of 4 in place. One more to go...

Sat, Jan 1, 2022

Hopefully I'll finish the transmission towers today...

Gluing the side arms together.

Done! All transmission towers in place.

Time to paint the towers.

I put a light gray coat of spray paint, followed by a dark gray coat.

And here they are in place and painted.

Another view.

Later tonight, I thought I'd work on the isolated track Rob Fair added on Monday.

I have everything ready to go for tomorrow's project.

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