Sunday, December 19, 2021

Week 386

 Sun, Dec 19, 2021 thru Sat, Dec 25, 2021

Sun, Dec 19, 2021

One more project to finish before I produce my monthly layout update for Nov/Dec.

Worked from 4:20-5:40pm this afternoon.
1.3 hours.

This is the section I'm going to try to finish tonight.
I'm going to install walls on the right and left side of the road.
I will also install sidewalks too.

First, I need to cut out the foam board which I will use for the walls.

This is the section I will use for the wall on the right.

Wall installed (need to paint it gray before calling it complete).

Sidewalks installed on both sides.
So is the wall on the left side.

Sidewalks glued down.
I'm not sure if I'm going to glue down the walls.

Just need to clean up my mess and I'm going to call it a day.

Time for another 30 minutes to do some painting and then I'll call it a day...

First I need to tape off the sidewalks for the gutters.

Aerial view of my tape job.

After pulling off the tape...

Street level view.

I need to go back and clean up the paint splotches.
I will either scrape it or permanent-marker it.

Mon, Dec 20, 2021

Train Day!
with Rob Fair and Jordan Osborn
6-7:45pm 1.75 hrs.

Tonight I produced a video of tonight's session which included my Nov/Dec 2021 monthly layout update.

Here's me getting ready to start the video.
I meant to press the video button, instead, I took the picture.
Ohye Vay!

Duration: 00:10:39 mins.

Tue, Dec 21, 2021

Today I worked on editing and uploading the video I took yesterday during our Operating Session which includes the Nov/Dec 2021 Layout Update

Happy Birthday to my only begotten son, Ben!

Wed, Dec 22, 2021

Today I plan on doing some data entry from the Operating Session on Monday.
I will also be adding a "Videography" category to track the time spent doing videos.
I think it will accumulate and be pretty substantial.
Yep, 46.9 hours worth.

Happy 42 year anniversary for Jan and me!

Thu, Dec 23, 2021

I was able to get some work done at Powder River Basin today.
I had to redo my switching order sheet for the East Yard arrival tracks.

Here's what I was able to accomplish...

I've started the process. Half way through...

Making lots of changes to the Train Cars in Consists sheet aka Train Order Sheet.

All finished!

The next step will be to fill the coal loads and then move those cars to the West Yard for departure to the Melrose Park Power Plant.

Jordan Osborn and I were talking about Christmas gifts on Monday during Train Day and he asked what I wanted. In the course of the conversation we came up with a new throttle for Christmas. Jordan convinced his mom, Chrissa, that would be the best gift ever. She agreed and ordered it Monday night. Look what came in the mail today?

I can't believe it! What a surprise. Thank you so very much to one of my best neighbors ever!

I read through half the manual tonight.

Here's everything laid out on the kitchen counter. 

Fri, Dec 24, 2021

Happy Christmas Eve!

We had several guests stop by the RR tonight...

Our first guests of the evening were Brian Zielke and his son, my grandson, Charlie.
Charlie was the one who said, "Bobba, trains?"

Charlie is trying out the new UT6 throttle.
Yes, we did get it to work and ran a train.

And then, Ida joined us.
Ida is another "regular" like Charlie.

We had a first time visitor come as well:
Brian's Mom, Elaine Zielke.

Listen as Elaine sings, "I've been working on the RR..."
Duration: 00:00:30 sec.

And finally, my sister, Cindy Dryden, and her husband, Jeff.
Did you see a glimpse of Jeff in the previous video?

Sat, Dec 25, 2021

Merry Christmas!

We traveled to Chicago today for Christmas to see Natalie & James and family.

After returning home I found some time to work on the RR...

I tried to find a #6 right hand switch but failed.
I did start to lay the cork trackbed for the new isolated track.

I have one side of the cork already glued in.
Here's the glue strip for the other piece that will go in along side the first strip.

Now is the time to wait for the weights to hold it in place while the glue sets overnight.

This is part 1 of my Christmas present from James & Natalie.

And this is Part 2 of my Christmas present from James & Natalie.
I will be placing these police officers around the Melrose Park Police station.


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