Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Week 327

 Sun, Nov. 1, 2020 thru Sat, Nov. 7, 2020

This week's goals:

1. Finish chain-link fence around Power Plant Substation.

2. Begin work on California Ave. Metra Maintenance Facility entrance off Western Ave. 

3. Test out Digitrax UT4 finally returned to me

Sun, Nov. 1, 2020

I tried to finish up the horizontal lines during the
Bears game today, but failed miserably.
The top line came off, so I need to re-glue. UGH!

Mon, Nov. 2, 2020

Train Day!
with Rob Fair and Jordan Osborn
6-8pm 2 hours

Here's what we accomplished...

As our crew gathers we recapped our 
Trick or Treat adventures this past weekend.

Now it's time to get to work.
Rob Fair will work on the substation at the
California Ave. Metra Maintenance Facilities

Jordan Osborn takes his spot at the CCT
(Central Control Tower)

Rob Fair has installed the power tower and now
is installing the chain-link fence posts.

Back posts now getting Rob's attention.

Jordan encouraged me to clear off the shelf
at the Powder River Basin...

Here's a photo of the Powder River Basin I've
been thinking may be a great back drop for this section.

Here's my drawing of construction and track plan
for the Powder River Basin.

So sorry I moved the camera on this shot.
Here Rob Fair is adjusting the chain-link for the 
gate at the power plant substation.

Chain-link in place on the gates. Now we need
to wait for the glue to cure before installing the gates.

Rob Fair finished the substation at the
California Ave. Metra Maintenance Facilities

I cleared off most of the items that were collecting
at the Powder River Basin.
"Where did it all go?", you may ask.

Here it is!
Now I need to figure out where to put all this stuff!

Tue, Nov. 3, 2020

Trying to hinge the gate and get the chain-link attached.

Not bad, I think it may work.

Finished the gate side.
Now on to the other sides...

Wed, Nov. 4, 2020

No train activity today.

Thu, Nov. 5, 2020

Jordan Osborn stopped by tonight for some work on the RR:
I finished laying the switch I bought from B&G 
Train World Hobby Shop today.

Here's the empty unit coal train from the
Power Plant in Melrose Park ready to be loaded
and then return to Melrose Park to generate more electricty.

This special edition of Season 1 shows an empty unit coal train leaving the Melrose Park Power Plant heading to the Powder River Basin. Once at the Powder River Basin the train will be loaded with more coal and return to the Power Plant in Melrose Park.

I also had another ulterior motive: Test every input to each UP5 using my new UT4.

Click here to watch video
Length: 00:05:21 minutes

Fri, Nov. 6, 2020

Installing track for return locomotive storage track.

After laying the track, I discovered it was too short.

Also, once I figured out the configuration of the
mainline track and how it fit into the switch, I can
now draw in the parallel main departing track
(on the right)

If you look back at the previous photo, you can see
I had to extend this track about 3 inches to make
room for both road diesels in this storage track.

Now on to some sub roadbed repairs. 
There were two spots I had to repair so I'll try to put them side-by-side 
and show you the repair progress:

First I cut out the sections that I will use to repair these spots.

After cutting out the "debris" I fit the cut-out pieces into place.

Once I was satisfied with the fit, I put down some glue.

Now you can see how nicely the cut-out pieces fit in place.

Finally, I had to put weights on top and will wait
for the glue to set (usually overnight).

One more thing...
Length: 00:00:30 sec.

Finished Goal #1
Substation in place.
Now I need to put down the base and make sure
the lift off section fits securely.

Another view of the finished substation.

Sat, Nov. 7, 2020

I had some time to work on the base of the Power Plant...

This is the base of the Power Plant.

My plan is to secure a layer of "asphalt" on top.
First, I apply the foam adhesive.

Spread it around about the same thickness.

I'll use the boards for the base of the weights.

With the weights in place now we wait overnight.

The cousins came over tonight and found Rob Fair's Thomas the Tank Engine sound machine. 
Here they are dancing a jig to the sounds made by the device Charlie is holding.
Also included in the dance are Josiah and Ida.
Length: 00:00:28 sec.

This week's goals recap:

1. Finish chain-link fence around Power Plant Substation.

Progress: DONE! Fri, Nov. 6, 2020

2. Begin work on California Ave. Metra Maintenance Facility entrance off Western Ave. 

Progress: None

3. Test out Digitrax UT4 finally returned to me

Progress: DONE! Tested every input Thu, Nov. 5, 2020

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