Sun, Jan 22, 2023 thru Sat, Jan 28, 2023
Sun, Jan 22, 2023
Time to put some guard rails on the CNW SD38-2 locomotives I bought back in January 2007.
YIKES! That's a very long time to not have any guard rails...
You can see I've started to put on the side, front, and back guard rails... |
Now you can see I've added the white hand rails on the front and back steps. |
This picture shows both locomotives completed. |
Another view... |
A little history lesson...
Duration: 00:00.30 sec.
Mon, Jan 23, 2023
Train Day!
w/Rob Fair & Jordan Osborn
6-8pm 2 hrs.
Getting ready to start our evening... |
Rob is running Mixed Freight Train 5B with Power Code C6
Duration: 00:00.31 sec.
I will be running Northwest Commuter Train 1B
Duration: 00:00.24 sec.
We had to pull the trailing locomotive and switch out the coupler during our run tonight. |
Running EB then crossover to take the WB mainline into
UP Proviso Yard
Duration: 00:00.15 sec.
Tue, Jan 24, 2023
No train activity tonight.
Wed, Jan 25, 2023
Back to West Chicago to finish the scene...
These next few pictures are the BEFORE ballast pictures. |
New West Chicago Station platform and tracks. |
At the east end of the platform. This is the farthest I will go with the ballast tonight. |
A video of the finished ballast on the track project.
Duration: 00:00.26 sec.
Thu, Jan 26, 2023
Working on the RR...
West Chicago after cleaning up the ballast debris. |
Another view. |
You know what? I think I'll start making the road that goes by the diamonds. I'll need to look up the name of that road. I found it. It's W. Washington Street. |
Cutting out the base of the road way. |
Gluing in the pieces... |
Now we wait for the weights. |
That took 61 minutes. I like the timer. It helps me track the time very easily. |
Fri, Jan 27, 2023
After subbing today, I was able to work on the RR...thanks Jan!
More work on W. Washington Street, West Chicago |
Filling in the road bed. |
Oops! I moved. Just a picture of the weights keeping everything in place for the glue to set up. |
Here, that's much better...and clearer. |
Here's the prototype picture of W. Washington St. |
I also moved to the Powder River Basin aka Harvard and worked on the mainline station tracks. |
Replacing the bad brass flex track with sectional silver track. Much better performance. |
Just need to wire them up and tack them down. |
I ran the feeder wires and will probably put another switch for this section just so I can shut off the power if needed. |
Sat, Jan 28, 2023
Full day today, but still some time to work on the RR...
Early before everyone gets up.
I found the road crossing guides. I was wondering where they were. They ended up being in the storage area by the Chicago Terminal. |
I also remove the plastic bolsters and see if this makes a difference on performance around the bend at Elmhurst Station. |
I need to label this car as a "Test Car in Consist" next time we run Train 5B. |
I also need another car to protect the other tanker on the other end of Train 5B. So I decided to replace the wheel sets with brand new metal wheels. Hopefully this will help this car's performance. |
This car is marked "Test Car in Consist". |
One final look at the W. Washington St. Crossing by the West Chicago J Tower diamonds. |
Test Cars in Consist |
One more Test Car in Consist - same Train 5B. |
Looking good ! ! ! !