Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Week 420

Sun, Aug 14, 2022 thru Sat, Aug 20, 2022

Sun, Aug 14, 2022

Some help from my assistant...
Duration: 00:00.31 sec.

Mon, Aug 15, 2022

Train Day!
w/Rob Fair 6-8pm 2 hrs.

We try to figure out how to wire up the two separate
styles of dwarf signals.

Back downstairs at the workbench.

Running Rob's new steam engine.
Pennsylvania  4-8-2 Express

Here is the steam engine running through Proviso Yard
Duration: 00:00.11 sec.

Tue, Aug 16, 2022

More work on the wiring for the dwarf signals...

Starting to install the outer switches.

Turn over the board and get ready to start wiring.

Progress on the common middle wire to all switches.

Wed, Aug 17, 2022

More wiring up of the dwarf signals...

Yikes! Look at all those wires. I was talking with
Chris Osborn and he told me wiring drives him crazy.
Yep, I get that, me too!

This is the end signal wiring.

Now to test out the entry lights to 
Chicago Terminal Track 2

Red lights to Chicago Terminal Track 3.

Also testing entry lights for Chicago
Terminal Track 1.

Tomorrow night I'm going to trouble-shoot which lights are operational and which ones aren't.
I will proceed to try to fix those connections to make sure ALL dwarf signals are working properly.

Thu, Aug 18, 2022

Trouble shooting the wiring of the dwarf signals.

Check mark means all good.
Open Box means needs work.
Negative mark means bad connection.

Tomorrow I will try to check off the boxes...

Fri, Aug 19, 2022

Jan's birthday!

I tried to check off the boxes, but failed miserably.

Back to the drawing board...

This picture shows all the red lights on display.

This pictures shows everything off. Center post.

And finally, this picture shows all the Green LED
lights illuminated.

Now I need to figure out how to get them connected together without overlapping other toggles.

Sat, Aug 20, 2022

Finishing up the week...

I decided to have only one light per toggle.
It keeps it simple and always works.

Jan helped me push/pull the wires down through the layout.

Same scene at night.

I've decided to wire up one dwarf signal to one toggle.
That keeps it simple and easy.

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