Sunday, March 21, 2021

Week 347

 Sun, Mar 21, 2021 thru Sat, Mar 27, 2021

This Week's Goal Planning

1. More Work with Locomotives 

This Week: Finish off 2nd decoder installation

2. Continue work on Clinton Ave. wall sections

This Week: I'll try to cut and paint this week.

3. Laying more "asphalt" in the Industrial Park

This Week: Make any needed adjustments before calling project complete.

4. Begin work on the upper downtown area Melrose Park

This Week: Make any needed adjustments before calling project complete.

Sun, Mar 21, 2021

Today I produced my monthly Layout Update.

Length: 00:12:40 mins.

Mon, Mar 22, 2021

Our crew gathers before our operating session tonight.
l. to r.  Jordan Osborn, Rob Fair

Rob Fair will be running the unit coal train tonight.

Bringing the locomotives out to the mainline.

First step was to move the loaded coal train into the power plant.

As Rob Fair runs the unit coal train, Jordan Osborn takes out
the excursion train led by the CB&Q Burlington Route 2-10-2

Yo, Jordan!

We discovered a very bad thing.
When we ballasted the fiber rr ties they shrank and caused the rails
to collapse. I'll need to remove the rails, throw them out, and lay
new flex track. Bummer!

Always a fan favorite: Steam!
Length: 00:00:27 sec.

Rob Fair completes his task - parking his empties from the
power plant. When these are loaded up again, he'll move them 
from the inbound east yard to the outbound west yard.

Tue, Mar 23, 2021

I'm going to try to finish the decoder installation in the GP50
#53 this week. So far I have the motor wires hooked up.
[GRAY (-) and ORANGE (+)]

Then I decided to mount the sound box.

Next I attached the RED track wire (PIN 8) to the engineer's
(right) side of the truck pickup. This engine is facing front to the
right. You can also see the red wire going back to the decoder.

Next I'll tackle the BLACK track wire (PIN 2) fireman's left side
truck pickup which happens through the frame of the locomotive.

Wed, Mar 24, 2021

I cut some pieces of styrene to use as a base for the light plate.

Here you can see the light plate with the LED headlight attached.
Since this is the back light I've attached the yellow wire to the 
(+) side of the LED lead. The (-) is the blue wire.

Now I've installed the light plate. You can see the yellow and
blue wires coming from below the plate.

I've done the same thing with the light plate and the front headlight.
The (+) wire is white with the blue wire being the (-) common side. 

Progress report on decoder installation...
Length: 00:00:29 sec.

Thu, Mar 25, 2021

Liz called me today from B&G Trainworld hobby shop saying the 
sound decoder for the Metra F40PH is ready for pick up.
Here is the package I picked up.
Cost: $53.95 plus tax $4.59.

When I got home, look what was on the porch!

I will be adding James & Natalie's Christmas present
decoder into this locomotive which will be assigned
to California Avenue Coach Yard

Fri, Mar 26, 2021

Major failure on the decoder installation for the GP50 #53

I took out the lights to test them.
They worked great. I'm going to need to start all over.

Sat, Mar 27, 2021

Starting over with the GP50 #53 Bummer!
Length: 00:00:25 sec.

Removing the wires and starting over
Length: 00:00:15 sec.

Time for a new locomotive and different try
Just purchased GP15
Length: 00:00:27

New decoder installed
Length: 00:00:21 sec.

Testing on the track
Length: 00:00:17 sec.

On track testing
Length: 00:00:27

Special Guests
My Dad and Mom came over for dinner tonight!
I said, "Want to see the train?"
They said, "Sure."
As I showed them this picture I just took,
Dad said, "Mom will say something about her hair."
Mom said, "My hair is a mess."

This Week's Goal Progress Report

1. More Work with Locomotives 

This Week: Had to stop the decoder installation on the GP50 #53, but did finish the decoder installation on the new GP15 #1612
Next Week: Restart and finish decoder installation on the GP50 #53

2. Continue work on Clinton Ave. wall sections

This Week: No progress...working more on #1
Next Week: We'll see, depends how much I get done on Goal #1...

3. Laying more "asphalt" in the Industrial Park

This Week: Spent more quality time on Goal #1
Next Week: We'll see, depends how much I get done on Goal #1

4. Begin work on the upper downtown area Melrose Park

This Week: Spent more time on Goal #1 this week.
Next Week: We'll see how much I work on Goal #1 before moving to goals 2-4.

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