Saturday, April 15, 2017

Week 141

Week 141

Sunday, April 9, 2017 thru Saturday, April 15, 2017

Sunday, April 9, 2017
Jordan and I took off to the Train Show today. We didn't get anything off our list, but we did find a great buy. Here's a picture...
$50 normally over $100.
Not a bad deal. In fact, half off is an excellent deal.
On a side note, I turned 60 today. Whoa!

Monday, April 10, 2017 
Finished installing the chain link fence.
Light off.

Light on.

 Unfortunately, the chain link fence is a bit too short (left) compated to the prototype (right).
That's the unfortunate result of this project.
Before I start over I'll get some feedback from the crew.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017
My grandson, Josh, was over this week and helped me repair some cars.

Check this out...

Josh Crockett shows off one the cars he repaired at the workstation.

Josh Crockett shows the underside of the car he repaired.
He put in metal wheels sets and installed draft gear box and couplers on both ends.
I was impressed!

Here's a close up of one of the other cars we worked on.
You can see the trucks in the background have the couplers attached.
We cut off  the coupler from the truck and then reattached the truck to the truck mount.
See the small drill mark near the right end of the car in the middle?
That's where we mounted the gear box and installed the new Kadee (knuckle) coupler.
You can look back at the previous picture and see the finished product.

Nice work, Josh. I think we fixed two cars and got them back on track.

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