Monday, March 7, 2016

Week 85

Week 85

Chronological order top to bottom.

Sunday, March 6, 2016
Jordan Osborn came by tonight to finish the classification of the remaining on-line cars.

Here are some pics to capture the moment.

 We finished classification and inputting these four cars in EB Proviso Yard.
We still need to finish input of the WB Proviso Yard cars.

 Jordan Osborn at the controls. Handling the switcher tonight.

And finally,
What's on your workbench tonight?

The "people" container is out. 
We set up the model F40PH "City of Harvard" Metra 132 to match the prototype.
See Week 83 Blog (go to the bottom) to see the final rendition.

Train Day!
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
this is also my Mom's 85th b-day

And the gang's all here.
Check this out.
Front row floor sitting: Dean Hatzis
Middle Row stool sitting: Carlos Baez
Back Row Standing rt.: Josh Jones, Jordan Osborn, Curt Berg, Ed Nelson
The first time in several months everyone could make the same day!

Even Jan got into the act.
She came down to take the photo and handed Dean a tool.
Way to contribute Jan! We'll make you a train gal soon.

Now to get everyone caught up on the day's activities...

 Ed Nelson & Carlos Baez began the session preparing the benchwork for the Western Avenue underpass.
 Dean Hatzis joined the crew and now there were three.

I love this picture with Carlos "in the hole".
Note Josh and Jordan at the control getting their game plan together.

 I purchased a 2 Engine stall at B&G about a month ago.
Ed Nelson took it home and brought it back today!
Nice work, ED!

 We also put an "addition" on to the end of Union Station downtown Chicago.

 Here you can see Carlos Baez attaching the open grid.

 In the meantime, Jordan and Josh are preparing to run some trains.

 Carlos Baez being assisted by Ed Nelson attaching the plywood to the open grid.

Not to be outdone, Dean Hatzis joins the crew.
And then there were three.

Length: .42s
Well, Jordan and Josh finally got their act together and here's a train they put together.
You'll notice, this train didn't stop the men with their power tools.


I had to leave early to attend Mom's 85th b-day celebration at Al's Cafe in Elgin.

When I came back I took some pictures of the finishing touches on the evening.

Check these out...

 The three amigos finished cutting the openings for the Western Avenue underpass.
Nice work men.

 Another shot of the underpass.

 One more view of the Engine Shop Ed Nelson built from a kit.
The kit was originally the blue color as the parts shown laying down.
Ed painted the roof and sides the green colors.

 I need to purchase more cork roadbed before I can extend the track and platform.

The opposite view of the extension.
We're getting closer to adding columns and then we can begin construction on the street level.

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