Saturday, September 19, 2020

Week 320

 Sunday, September 13, 2020 thru Saturday, September 19, 2020

This week's goal:


1. Finish electrical work on car light North Chicago

2. Landscaping between South and West Power Districts.

3. Finish organizing the piles into files.

Sun, Sep. 13, 2020

No train activity today.

Mon, Sep. 14, 2020

Train Day!
w/Rob Fair and Jordan Osborn
6-8pm 2 hours

Hopefully we can finish off goals 2 & 3 tonight.

We thought the lights on the cars were too bright.
So we decided to use a lower voltage transformer.

In this picture Rob Fair prepares the ends for hook up.

Jordan catches up on some paperwork.

Hopefully we'll get these four car lights lit up tonight.

After reattaching all the wires and starting over,
we finally finished the task at hand under the table.

I also added just one resistor and that helped with 
the brightness of the lights.

It's a bit tedious and uncomfortable,
but we got the job done.

Goal #1 Complete!

After we finished the car lights we went on to 
work on Goal #2.

Rob Fair checking out his work.
Very good!

Goal #2 Complete!

Time to clean up a bit before we call it a night.

Have a great rest of your day!

Tue, Sep. 15, 2020

No train activity today.

Wed, Sep. 16, 2020

No train activity today.

Thu, Sep. 17, 2020

A little work on the piles to files project.

Still working on taking the piles and putting them
into files (notebooks).

Fri, Sep. 18, 2020

Still trying to finish Goal #3 this week...

It may not look like progress, but there is.
I've finished putting piles into files for Prototype pictures,
Rolling Stock, Locomotives, and now working on Structures.

The "files" are the notebooks you see on the far left chair.

I'm going to really work diligently tomorrow to finish goal #3.

Sat. Sep. 19, 2020

Let's see if we can tap off goal #3 today...

Still too much to process.
Goal #3 will need to move to next week.

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