Sunday, January 5, 2020

Week 284

Sunday, January 5, 2020 thru Saturday, January 11, 2020

NTA=No Train Activity for the day.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Had to move Train Day tomorrow to Train Day today!
Rob Fair came over and worked on the RR with me from 3-4:30pm 1.5 hrs.
Rob Fair making marks where the holes will be drilled for the car light wires.

Here are the pencil marks Rob drew in to show the location of the lighted cars. 

While Rob worked on drilling the holes I worked on filling the holes in the grove of trees in this corner of the layout.

Here's Rob again working on the lighted car project.

Not sure why this turned out so yellow, but here is Rob inserting the wires through the drilled out holes for each lighted car.

Moving Commuter Cars from Chicago Terminal to California Ave. Metra Facility...
Length: 00:00:07 sec.

And here is my fleat of Metra Commuter Cars waiting at California Yard until it's time to return to Chicago Terminal.
Don't forget the one Amttrak train.

Monday, January 6, 2020


Tuesday, January 7, 2020

I didn't like the way the blue sky was visible through the forest glade so I did something about that tonight...check this out...
Here you can see the blue sky through the trees.
I will use the spray paint in the can on the right to mask the sky.

After romoving the front trees I spray painted the back ground and the forest floor.

Then I reinstalled the front trees and would love to know what you think about this new look.
You like?

Wednesday, January 8, 2020


Thursday, January 9, 2020


Friday, January 10, 2020


Saturday, January 11, 2020

After work, I was able to find some time to work on the RR

Now before you begin on today's blog, look back on Sunday's blog and notice the green ball in the background in the last picture of the day?

I cut up that green ball and used each piece for fill on the border of the layout in these pictures below:
I've just about finished stripping the foam ball down to the bare ball.

Done! Now to glue down the parts I cut away.

After that was finished and getting ready for the next step (painting the white parts), I worked on the Chicago Terminal Engine Yard. I added a switch which gave me one more track for another engine to store.
Here's the switch getting ready to install.

Switch installed and now just finish laying the track.

There you go. All set.

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