Monday, June 26, 2017

Week 152

Week 152

Sunday, June 25, 2017 thru Saturday, July 1, 2017

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Jordan stopped by this afternoon for a couple of hours and helped me wire up some platform and street lights.

Here's a look at what we did...

Here's Jordan Osborn using his tablet to capture the moment. 
We finished wiring the platform lights at Geneva Station.

I took this night scene of the new lights (with flash).

Same night scene without the flash - a little different angle.

When I first wired up the street lights at Western Avenue they didn't work.
Later in the evening I went back to the basement to do some trouble-shooting and found the problem.
Here's the final test shot.
Hopefully Rob Fair and Jordan and I can finish up wiring the Western Avenue Streetlights tomorrow.

Jordan Osborn took this shot with his tablet after I finished wiring and testing the platform lights at Geneva Station.
Monday, June 26, 2017
We had a special guest come tonight.
He lives in the neighborhood and used to work with Rob Fair.
Small World.

His Name?

Oh yeah, Bob Bendeich

He was instrumental tonight in some troubleshooting we had to do.

Check out these pics.

 Rob Fair got busy with wiring up the Western Avenue Street Lights.

 Jordan Osborn, says, "What you talkin' 'bout Willis?"

Jordan Osborn shows off some new organizational material to keep things straight.

 Rob Fair continues down the line connecting the wires to light up Western Avenue.

 And HERE's our special guest, Bob Bendeich.

 He played a major role in figuring out why the Track Cleaning Car derailed at the Grusome Casket Company.

Putting some more light on the subject.

The Three Amigos saying good-bye for the night.

Great work MEN!

Last but not least, here are some shots of the lights on Western Avenue that Rob Fair wired up tonight...

Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Wow! What a night!

It started off with Ed and me running trains from 4-5:30pm

I was the engineer tonight, while Ed checked the four signal bridges for clearance.

We did find some signal bridges that needed some work...

Here is Ed Nelson cutting some base plates for the signal bridges.
They needed additional height clearance for the camera car.

 Ed Nelson making the adjustments at South Power District Signal Bridge.

Putting the SPD Signal Bridge in place.
You can see the camera car and the track cleaning car in the foreground.

Today marks my Mom and Dad's 65th wedding anniversary and my brother, Neal's 64th birthday.
What a treat to have them all over for dinner and trains tonight.

Check out these fun photos and video.

Thanks to Geena for these great shots!!!

Look how attentive the boys are as I explain who has what train.

As Neal keeps Becca from getting burned on the lamp.

Still paying attention...

Final instructions.

A view from the rear.

We're getting ready to run some trains.

This is a view from the South Power District of the layout.

You can see the camera car in front of the Metra Commuter train.

Central Control Tower in full operation.

Christian being very very patient.

This is a view of the East Power District of the layout.

Check out this video that Geena shot during our family operating session tonight...

YouTube Video
2 min. 10 sec.
Click on the link above...

This is a cute series of photos.
I had no idea what was about to happen.

Christian puts the "drawbridge" down.

Now it's UP.

Oops. It came down a bit too early and knocked over a commuter coach car just as a freight was coming by.

Whoa! Those passengers are getting quite a ride.
Be careful we still have a freight train rolling by.

We'll wait for the freight train to pass.

Then we'll put everything back on the track.

No one was badly injured and no equipment was lost in the process.

1 comment:

  1. We had such great fun as we always do. Everyone loves coming to Uncle Curts.
