Monday, November 30, 2015

Week 72

Week 72

Chronological order top to bottom...

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

 Ed Nelson checking for safety clearance at the Lake Street deck bridge.

Not only did the cab cars need to clear the deck girder, but the grab irons (not yet installed) needed to clear also.

 Jordan Osborn working on foam floor for maintenance car ports
(see box of grid mounted on wall - a new feature this week).

 Close up of the car ports for the maintenance shop.

 Back at Union Station.
The track bows out a bit, but not that noticeable.

Another view of Jordan hard at work.

We had a small crew so we finished work a bit early and ran some trains.

Enjoy these videos...

Length .25
West Bound Union Pacific through the South Power District

Length: .43
West Bound UP thru the North Power District.
Had to stop abruptly - great engineering skills by Jordan Osborn -
What happened?
At the .42 mark Jordan yells, "Whoa, whoa, whoa" as the main line train proceeded down the branch line and knocked the two hoppers waiting at the grain elevator off the tracks. Luckily no damaged done to grain elevator or either hopper. Whew! Thanks Jordan!

Friday, November 27, 2015

The camera system arrived this week so I could hardly wait to get things working.
The first thing I did was to mount the monitors.

I asked my brother, Bill, if he had any leftover monitors from an upgrade at work.
He dropped off 5 of them the next week.
I installed two 19" monitors in the center. 
I put another 19" on the left stand. 
He also donated two 17" screens which I will use on the control panel itself.

Back view. 
I still need to make some minor adjustments before this project is complete.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

The next thing I did was to mount the cameras.

Here they are mounted for the various power districts as shown.

 This camera views the West Power District.
Union Station

 This camera views the South Power District.
Western Ave. Global 1

 This camera view the East Power District.
Industrial Park

And finally, this camera views the North Power District.
Proviso Yard looking west.

See Week 73 post for tomorrow's entry for the view from each of the cameras.

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