Sunday, August 30, 2015

Week 59

Week 59
More invisible work being done this work, uh, I mean, week. (thanks for catching this error, Mom :)
Lots of work, but nothing that really shows unless you spend any time under the layout.

Here's the progress report for this week

Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Rob Fair showing the wires that will need to be soldered to the outside rails on the mainline.

Here's Rob again working on soldering the wires to the rails.

Dean Hatzis working the swift of hand. Now you see it.
Now you don't. He and Rob Fair teamed up today to almost finish soldering the feeder wires to the mainline rails.

 Ed Nelson preparing more feeder wires for Rob and Dean.

 I bet you thought I forgot about Carlos Baez.
Unseen most of the time tonight because he was working under the layout.
Here he is connecting feeder wires to the bus wire using suitcase connectors.

 Close up of Carlos working on the suitcase connectors.

Sometimes you just have to "sit on the job" to git 'er done.

 Rob Fair and Ed Nelson putting some finishing touches on the soldering job.

Here's Carlos Baez in a more visible location.
Finally getting out from behind.

Finally, Dean Hatzis working the difficult section.
Perseverance pays off.
Nice work, Dean!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Week 58

Today is a special day. Not because of the train but because it's my wife, Jan's, Birthday.
Happy Birthday, Jan, and thanks for letting the guys come over on your birthday :)

Week 58

Saturday, August 22, 2015
Friday, August 21, 2015
No pics.
Jordan Osborn and I spent some time checking the feeder wires and running additional wires these two days.
Getting ready for Week 59 Work Session.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Here's what happened with today's train crew...

 Carlos Baez worked on suitcase connectors splicing the main bus wire to the feeder wires.
This is the next step in the wiring process.

 Another closeup of Carlos working under the table.

 Ed Nelson prepares for running feeder wires through the elevated track section.

 Dean Hatzis prepares his tools for soldering the feeder wires to the main line track.

 We used a couple of different tools to make room for the feeder wires.
Dean Hatzis helped Ed Nelson get this hole drill ready for drilling.

 Getting ready to get the session started.
Rob Fair joins us again this week to help with soldering.

 Rob Fair wastes no time on his assigned project.

Another view of Carlos Baez making his way around the South Power District.
Last week the wires were all dangling under the table.
This week they are all tucked up nice and neat under the table using the suitcase connectors.


The next two videos highlight Ed Nelson. 
He worked extremely hard today. 
So let's give him some special recognition...

Video is 0.46 sec. in length

Here is Ed pulling one of the feeder wires using a straw to guide the wire through two layers of wood.
When I previewed this video I couldn't hear the sound. 
Not sure why the sound didn't work on this video but ok on the next?

Video is 0.19 seconds in length

This video shows Ed using a long drill bit to drill through both layers of wood for the feeder wires to pass.

 Jordan Osborn checking the soldering jobs. 
He is making sure a rail car has no slip ups through the work zone.

 Dean Hatzis continues his way around the mainline soldering the feeder wire to the rails.

 Two man on the job. 
Rob Fair working with Dean on the soldering project.

 Jordan Osborn checks out the workers as they progress nicely through their assignments.

Rob Fair and Dean Hatzis check out the details.
They are in the East Power District.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Week 57

Lots to report this week.

I started off the week going to the DuPage Co. Train Show. 
I bought 4 #4L hand switches for Proviso Yard.
I also bought 7 sections of flex track for $10.
Another great buy. Two great buys at the monthly train show.

When I got home I could hardly wait to get downstairs to install my new items.

Here are some pics...

Sunday, August 9, 2015
 Looking at East Proviso Yard EB Yard.
This section will be completed tonight.

 Looking West at Proviso East EB Yard.

 Unfortunately you won't see the finished product tonight because the glue under the cork is being set.

Here's another view. Wide-angled.

Then on Tuesday night, Pamela McLane and her husband Jim with their two grand kids came by to see the trains run. Here they are.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015
l. to r. Kayleigh, Liam, Jim, and Pamela
We had a great time watching and running trains.

And the BIG event this week - the train crew meeting...

Wednesday, August 12, 2015
More work on the feeder wires. 

Here are some pics...with captions.

 Ed Nelson & Dean Hatzis prepare for the feeder wires.

 Ed is drilling the holes on the outside of the rails for the solder crew to come by and attach the wire to the rail.

 Getting a closer look. Dean making sure this is done right!

Not far behind is Carlos Baez and Jordan Osborn (just beyond Carlos). 

 Dean making the solder connection.

 Jordan Osborn cleaning the rail heads.

 Carlos getting ready to solder using the mirror as his guide in close quarters.

 Rob Fair joined us again tonight. 
This time working on the feeder wires.

 Another action photo.

 Ed Nelson kept up the pace by leading the team with drilling the holes for the feeder wires.

Look at the next two pictures.
Which one shows Dean Hatzis putting on make up and which one shows he's soldering the wire to the rail?

 Multiple uses for Jan's mirror.

 Did you figure it out?

 Carlos gets into the mirror act too!

And our final picture of the evening is Jordan separating the wires.
Welcome back, Jordan and Ed, we missed you two last week.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Week 56

Week 56

Welcome Back Rob Fair.
And welcome first timer, my brother, Bill Berg.

You'll be able to tell we're all hitting the feeder project hard this week. 

In fact, our goal is to finish this project by the end of the month.

We started last week and hopefully stay on track until September 1st.

Enjoy our adventure...

Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Carlos Baez & Dean Hatzis making their way around the South Power District.
We started with a two-man crew soldering. 
Eventually we'd have 3 guys soldering at one time tonight (see below)... 

My brother, Bill Berg, stopped by with some items for James & Natalie.
Little did he know he'd spend the next hour working on the railroad!
Thanks, Bill, you were a great help tonight!

I had to take a picture of those "big guns".
This guy can do it all!

Recognize Rob Fair? He joined us for his sophomore visit.
He became #3 in our 3-man soldering crew.

Here's Rob Fair again soldering the feeder wires to the rails in the West Power District.

Bill Berg: In the hole.

Here's a great picture of tonight's working crew.
We are about half way through this project. 

Now a shot from the opposite direction.
Now Dean is "in the hole".

For the record:
He got back there pretty easily after he cleared the spider webs and bugs from the corner.

Dean Hatzis and Carlos Baez working down the mainline.

We had to run "tubing" in the elevated section to get the feeder wires down to the bus wires through the elevated portion.

Missing Ed Nelson?
Yes, he was preoccupied with many things today.
He'll be back next week.